Selecting Appropriate Storage Technologies

Know the four stages of the data lifecycle: ingest, storage, process and analyze, and explore and visualize. Ingestion is the process of bringing application data, streaming data, and batch data into the cloud. The storage stage focuses on persisting data to an appropriate storage system. Processing and analyzing is about transforming data into a form suitable     for analysis. Exploring and visualizing focuses on testing hypotheses and drawing insights from data.

Understand the characteristics of streaming data. Streaming data is a set of data that is sent in small messages that are transmitted continuously from the data source. Streaming data may be telemetry data, which is data generated at regular intervals, and event data, which is data generated in response to a particular event. Stream ingestion services need to deal with potentially late and missing data. Streaming data is often ingested using Cloud Pub/Sub.

Understand the characteristics of batch data. Batch data is ingested in bulk, typically in files. Examples of batch data ingestion include uploading files of data exported from one application to be processed by another. Both batch and streaming data can be transformed and processed using Cloud Dataflow.

Know the technical factors to consider when choosing a data store. These factors include the volume and velocity of data, the type of structure of the data, access control requirements, and data access patterns.

Know the three levels of structure of data. These levels are structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. Structured data has a fixed schema, such  as  a  relational  database table. Semi-structured data has a schema that can vary; the schema is stored with data. Unstructured data does not have a structure used to determine how to store data.

Know which Google Cloud storage services are used with the different structure types. Structured data is stored in Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner if it is used with a transaction processing system; BigQuery is used for analytical applications of structured data. Semi-structured data is stored in Cloud Datastore if data access requires full index- ing; otherwise, it can be stored in Bigtable. Unstructured data is stored in Cloud Storage.

Know the difference between relational and NoSQL databases. Relational databases are used for structured data whereas NoSQL databases are used for semi-structured data. The four types of NoSQL databases are key-value, document, wide-column, and graph databases.

Building and Operationalizing Storage Systems

Cloud SQL supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server (beta). Cloud SQL instances are created in a single zone by default, but they can be created for high availability and use instances in multiple zones. Use read replicas to improve read performance. Importing and exporting are implemented via the RDBMS-specific tool.

Cloud Spanner is configured as regional or multi-regional instances. Cloud Spanner is a horizontally scalable relational database that automatically replicates data. Three types of replicas are read-write replicas, read-only replicas, and witness replicas. Avoid hotspots by not using consecutive values for primary keys.

Cloud Bigtable is a wide-column NoSQL database used for high-volume databases that require sub-10 ms latency. Cloud Bigtable is used for IoT, time-series, finance, and simi- lar applications. For multi-regional high availability, you can create a replicated cluster in another region. All data is replicated between clusters. Designing tables for Bigtable is fundamentally different from designing them for relational databases. Bigtable tables are denormalized, and they can have thousands of columns. There is no support for joins in Bigtable or for secondary indexes. Data is stored in Bigtable lexicographically by row-key, which is the one indexed column in a Bigtable table. Keeping related data in adjacent rows can help make reads more efficient.

Cloud Firestore is a document database that is replacing Cloud Datastore as the managed document database. The Cloud Firestore data model consists of entities, entity groups, properties, and keys. Entities have properties that can be atomic values, arrays, or enti-     ties. Keys can be used to lookup entities and their properties. Alternatively, entities can be retrieved using queries that specify properties and values, much like using a WHERE clause in SQL. However, to query using property values, properties need to be indexed.

BigQuery is an analytics database that uses SQL as a query language. Datasets are the basic unit of organization for sharing data in BigQuery. A dataset can have multiple tables. BigQuery supports two dialects of SQL: legacy and standard. Standard SQL supports advanced SQL features such as correlated subqueries, ARRAY and STRUCT data types, and complex join expressions. BigQuery uses the concepts of slots for allocating computing resources to execute queries. BigQuery also supports streaming inserts, which load one    row at a time. Data is generally available for analysis within a few seconds, but it may be      up to 90 minutes before data is available for copy and export operations. Streaming inserts provide for best effort de-duplication. Stackdriver is used for monitoring and logging in BigQuery. Stackdriver Monitoring provides performance metrics, such query counts and time, to run queries. Stackdriver Logging is used to track events, such as running jobs or creating tables. BigQuery costs are based on the amount of data stored, the amount of data streamed, and the workload required to execute queries.

Cloud Memorystore is a managed Redis service. Redis instances can be created using the Cloud Console or gcloud commands. Redis instances in Cloud Memorystore can be scaled to use more or less memory. When scaling a Basic Tier instance, reads and writes   are blocked. When the resizing is complete, all data is flushed from the cache. Standard    Tier instances can scale while continuing to support read and write operations. When the memory used by Redis exceeds 80 percent of system memory, the instance is considered under memory pressure. To avoid memory pressure, you can scale up the instance, lower the maximum memory limit, modify the eviction policy, set time-to-live (TTL) parameters on volatile keys, or manually delete data from the instance.

Google Cloud Storage is an object storage system. It is designed for persisting unstruc- tured data, such as data files, images, videos, backup files, and any other data. It is unstruc- tured in the sense that objects—that is, files stored in Cloud Storage—use buckets to group objects. A bucket is a group of objects that share access controls at the bucket level. The four storage tiers are Regional, Multi-regional, Nearline, and Coldline.

When you manage your own databases, you will be responsible for an array of database and system administration tasks. The two Stackdriver components that are used with unmanaged databases are Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Logging. Instances have built-in monitoring and logging. Monitoring includes CPU, memory, and I/O metrics. Audit logs, which have information about who created an instance, are also available by default. Once the Stackdriver Logging agent is installed, it can collect application logs, including database logs. Stackdriver Logging is configured with Fluentd, an open source data collec-   tor for logs. Once the Stackdriver Monitoring agent is installed, it can collect application performance metrics.

Designing Data Pipelines

Understand the model of data pipelines. A data pipeline is an abstract concept that cap- tures the idea that data flows from one stage of processing to another. Data pipelines are modeled as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). A graph is a set of nodes linked by edges. A directed graph has edges that flow from one node to another.

Know the four stages in a data pipeline.  Ingestion is the process of bringing data into the GCP environment. Transformation is the process of mapping data from the structure used in the source system to the structure used in the storage and analysis stages of the data pipeline. Cloud Storage can be used as both the staging area for storing data imme- diately after ingestion and also as a long-term store for transformed data. BigQuery and Cloud Storage treat data as external tables and query them. Cloud Dataproc can use Cloud Storage as HDFS-compatible storage. Analysis can take on several forms, from simple SQL querying and report generation to machine learning model training and data science analysis.

Know that the structure and function of data pipelines will vary according to the use case to which they are applied. Three common types of pipelines are data warehousing pipe- lines, stream processing pipelines, and machine learning pipelines.

Know the common patterns in data warehousing pipelines. Extract, transformation, and load (ETL) pipelines begin with extracting data from one or more data sources. When mul- tiple data sources are used, the extraction processes need to be coordinated. This is because extractions are often time based, so it is important that extracts from different sources     cover the same time period. Extract, load, and transformation (ELT) processes are slightly different from ETL processes. In an ELT process, data is loaded into a database before transforming the data. Extraction and load procedures do not transform data. This kind of process is appropriate when data does not require changes from the source format. In a change data capture approach, each change is a source system that is captured and recorded in a data store. This is helpful in cases where it is important to know all changes over time  and not just the state of the database at the time of data extraction.

Understand the unique processing characteristics of stream processing. This includes the difference between event time and processing time, sliding and tumbling windows, late- arriving data and watermarks, and missing data. Event time is the time that something occurred at the place where the data is generated. Processing time is the time that data arrives at the endpoint where data is ingested. Sliding windows are used when you want to show how an aggregate, such as the average of the last three values, change over time, and you want to update that stream of averages each time a new value arrives in the stream. Tumbling windows are used when you want to aggregate data over a fixed period of time— for example, for the last one minute.

Know the components of a typical machine learning pipeline. This includes data inges- tion, data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training and evaluation, and deploy- ment. Data ingestion uses the same tools and services as data warehousing and streaming data pipelines. Cloud Storage is used for batch storage of datasets, whereas Cloud Pub/Sub can be used for the ingestion of streaming data. Feature engineering is a machine learn-    ing practice in which new attributes are introduced into a dataset. The new attributes are derived from one or more existing attributes.

Know that Cloud Pub/Sub is a managed message queue service. Cloud Pub/Sub is a real-time messaging service that supports both push and pull subscription models. It is a managed service, and it requires no provisioning of servers or clusters. Cloud Pub/Sub will automatically scale as needed. Messaging queues are used in distributed systems to decou- ple services in a pipeline. This allows one service to produce more output than the consum- ing service can process without adversely affecting the consuming service. This is especially helpful when one process is subject to spikes.

Know that Cloud Dataflow is a managed stream and batch processing service. Cloud Dataflow is a core component for running pipelines that collect, transform, and output   data. In the past, developers would typically create a stream processing pipeline (hot path) and a separate batch processing pipeline (cold path). Cloud Dataflow is based on Apache Beam, which is a model for combined stream and batch processing. Understand these key Cloud Dataflow concepts:

  • Pipelines
  • PCollection
  • Transforms
  • ParDo
  • Pipeline I/O
  • Aggregation
  • User-defined functions
  • Runner
  • Triggers

Know that Cloud Dataproc is a managed Hadoop and Spark service. Cloud Dataproc makes it easy to create and destroy ephemeral clusters. Cloud Dataproc makes it easy to migrate from on-premises Hadoop clusters to GCP. A typical Cloud Dataproc cluster is configured with commonly used components of the Hadoop ecosystem, including Hadoop, Spark, Pig, and Hive. Cloud Dataproc clusters consist of two types of nodes: master nodes and worker nodes. The master node is responsible for distributing and managing workload distribution.

Know that Cloud Composer is a managed service implementing Apache Airflow. Cloud Composer is used for scheduling and managing workflows. As pipelines become more complex and have to be resilient when errors occur, it becomes more important to have

a framework for managing workflows so that you are not reinventing code for handling errors and other exceptional cases. Cloud Composer automates the scheduling and moni- toring of workflows. Before you can run workflows with Cloud Composer, you will need to create an environment in GCP.

Understand what to consider when migrating from on-premises Hadoop and Spark to GCP. Factors include migrating data, migrating jobs, and migrating HBase to  Bigtable.  Hadoop and Spark migrations can happen incrementally, especially since you will be using ephem- eral clusters configured for specific jobs. There may be cases where you will have to keep    an on-premises cluster while migrating some jobs and data to GCP. In those cases, you will have to keep data synchronized between environments. It is a good practice to migrate HBase databases to Bigtable, which provides consistent, scalable performance.

Designing a Data Processing Solution

Know the four main compute GCP products. Compute Engine is GCP’s infrastructure-as- a-service (IaaS) product.

  • With Compute Engine, you have the greatest amount of control over your infra- structure relative to the other GCP compute services.
    • Kubernetes is a container orchestration system, and Kubernetes Engine is a managed Kubernetes service. With Kubernetes Engine, Google maintains the cluster and assumes responsibility for installing and configuring the Kubernetes platform on the cluster. Kubernetes Engine deploys Kubernetes on managed instance groups.
    • App Engine is GCP’s original platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering. App Engine    is designed to allow developers to focus on application development while mini- mizing their need to support the infrastructure that runs their applications. App Engine has two versions: App Engine Standard and App Engine Flexible.
    • Cloud Functions is a serverless, managed compute service for running code in response to events that occur in the cloud. Events are supported for Cloud Pub/ Sub, Cloud Storage, HTTP events, Firebase, and Stackdriver Logging.

Understand the definitions of availability, reliability, and scalability. Availability is defined as the ability of a user to access a resource at a specific time. Availability is usu-     ally measured as the percentage of time a system is operational. Reliability is defined as     the probability that a system will meet service-level objectives for some duration of time. Reliability is often measured as the mean time between failures. Scalability is the ability of    a system to meet the demands of workloads as they vary over time.

Know when to use hybrid clouds and edge computing. The analytics hybrid cloud is used when transaction processing systems continue to run on premises and data is extracted    and transferred to the cloud for analytic processing. A variation of hybrid clouds is an edge cloud, which uses local computation resources in addition to cloud platforms. This archi- tecture pattern is used when a network may not be reliable or have sufficient bandwidth to transfer data to the cloud. It is also used when low-latency processing is required.

Understand messaging. Message brokers are services that provide three kinds of function- ality: message validation, message transformation, and routing. Message validation is the process of ensuring that messages received are correctly formatted. Message transformation is the process of mapping data to structures that can be used by other services. Message brokers can receive a message and use data in the message to determine where the message should be sent. Routing is used when hub-and-spoke message brokers are used.

Know distributed processing architectures.  SOA is a distributed architecture that is driven by business operations and delivering business value. Typically, an SOA system   serves a discrete business activity. SOAs are self-contained sets of services. Microservices   are a variation on SOA architecture. Like  other  SOA  systems,  microservice  architectures use multiple, independent components and common communication protocols to provide higher-level business services. Serverless functions extend the principles of microservices by removing concerns for containers and managing runtime environments.

Know the steps to migrate a data warehouse. At a high level, the process of migrating a data warehouse involves four stages:

  • Assessing the current state of the data warehouse
  • Designing the future state
  • Migrating data, jobs, and access controls to the cloud
  • Validating the cloud data warehouse

Building and Operationalizing Processing Infrastructure

Know that Compute Engine supports provisioning single instances or groups of instances, known as instance groups. Instance groups are either managed or unmanaged instance groups. Managed instance groups (MIGs) consist of identically configured VMs; unman- aged instance groups allow for heterogeneous VMs, but they should be used only when migrating legacy clusters from on-premises data centers.

Understand the benefits of MIGs. These benefits include the following:

  • Autohealing based on application-specific health checks, which replace nonfunctioning instances
  • Support for multizone groups that provide for availability in spite of zone-level failures
  • Load balancing to distribute workload across all instances in the group
  • Autoscaling, which adds or removes instances in the group to accommodate increases and decreases in workloads
  • Automatic, incremental updates to reduce disruptions to workload processing

Know that Kubernetes Engine is a managed Kubernetes service that provides container orchestration. Containers are increasingly used to process workloads because they have less overhead than VMs and allow for finer-grained allocation of resources than VMs. A Kubernetes cluster has two types of instances: cluster masters and nodes.

Understand Kubernetes abstractions. Pods are the smallest computation unit managed by Kubernetes. Pods contain one or more containers. A ReplicaSet is a controller that manages the number of pods running for a deployment. A deployment is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and provides declarative updates. PersistentVolumes is Kubernetes’ way of representing storage allocated or provisioned for use by a pod. Pods acquire access    to persistent volumes by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim, which is a logical way to link a pod to persistent storage. StatefulSets are used to designate pods as stateful and assign a unique identifier to them. Kubernetes uses them to track which clients are using which pods and to keep them paired. An Ingress is an object that controls external access to services running in a Kubernetes cluster.

Know how to provision Bigtable instances. Cloud Bigtable is a managed wide-column NoSQL database used for applications that require high-volume, low-latency writes.

Bigtable has an HBase interface, so it is also a good alternative to using Hadoop HBase on     a Hadoop cluster. Bigtable instances can be provisioned using the cloud console, the command-line SDK, and the REST API. When creating  an  instance,  you  provide  an instance name, an instance ID, an instance type, a storage type, and cluster specifications.

Know how to provision Cloud Dataproc. When provisioning Cloud  Dataproc  resources, you will specify the configuration of a cluster using the cloud console, the command-line SDK, or the REST API. When you create a cluster, you will specify a  name,  a  region,  a zone, a cluster mode, machine types, and an autoscaling policy. The cluster mode deter- mines the number of master nodes and possible worker nodes. Master nodes and worker nodes are configured separately. For each type of node, you can specify a machine type, disk size, and disk type.

Understand that serverless services do not require conventional infrastructure provisioning but can be configured. You can configure App Engine using the app.yaml, cron.yaml, distpatch.yaml, or queue.yaml file. Cloud Functions can be configured using parameters to specify memory, region, timeout, and max instances. Cloud Dataflow parameters include job name, project ID, running, staging location, and the default and maximum number of worker nodes.

Understand the purpose of Stackdriver Monitoring, Stackdriver Logging, and Stackdriver Trace. Stackdriver Metrics collect metrics on the performance of infrastructure resources and applications. Stackdriver Logging is a service for storing and searching log data about events in infrastructure and applications. Stackdriver Trace is a distributed tracing system designed to collect data on how long it takes to process requests to services.

Designing for Security and Compliance

Understand the components of Cloud IAM.    Cloud IAM provides fine-grained identity and access management for resources within GCP. Cloud IAM uses the concept of roles, which are collections of permissions that can be assigned to identities. Cloud IAM provides a large number of roles tuned to common use cases, such as server administrators or data- base operators. Additional attributes about resources or identities, such as IP address and date and time, can be considered when making access control decisions. Cloud IAM main- tains an audit log of changes to permissions, including authorizing, removing, and delegat- ing permissions.

Know the three types of roles. Primitive roles existed prior to Cloud IAM and include Owner, Editor, and Viewer roles. Predefined roles are generally associated with a GCP ser- vice, such as App Engine or BigQuery, and a set of related activities, such as editing data in     a database or deploying an application to App Engine. With custom roles, you can assign    one or more permissions to a role and then assign that role to a user, group, or service account. Custom roles are especially important when implementing the principle of least privilege, which states that users should be granted the minimal set of permissions needed for them to perform their jobs.

Understand the purpose of service accounts. Service accounts are a type of identity that are used with VM instances and applications, which are able to make API calls authorized    by roles assigned to the service account. A service account is identified by a unique email address. These accounts are authenticated by two sets of public/private keys. One set is managed by Google, and the other set is managed by users. Public keys are provided to API calls to authenticate the service account.

Understand the structure and function of policies. A policy consists of binding, metadata, and an audit configuration. Bindings specify how access is granted to a resource. Bindings   are made up of members, roles, and conditions. The metadata of a policy includes an attri- bute called etag and versions. Audit configurations describe which permission types are logged and which identities are exempt from logging. Policies can be defined at different levels of the resource hierarchy, including organizations, folders, projects, and individual resources. Only one policy at a time can be assigned to an organization, folder, project, or individual resource.

Understand data-at-rest encryption. Encryption is the process of encoding data in a way that yields a coded version of data that cannot be practically converted back to the original form without additional information. Data at rest is encrypted by default on Google Cloud Platform. Data is encrypted at multiple levels, including the application, infrastructure, and device levels. Data is encrypted in chunks. Each chunk has its own encryption key, which is called a data encryption key. Data encryption keys are themselves encrypted using a key encryption key.

Understand data-in-transit encryption. All traffic to Google Cloud services is encrypted by default. Google Cloud and the client negotiate how to encrypt data using either Transport Layer Security (TLS) or the Google-developed protocol QUICC.

Understand key management. Cloud KMS is a hosted key management service in the  Google Cloud. It enables customers to generate and store keys in GCP. It is used when cus- tomers want control over key management. Customer-supplied keys are used when an orga- nization needs complete control over key management, including storage.

Know the basic requirements of major regulations. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law in the United States that protects individuals’ healthcare information. The Children’s Online Privacy  Protection  Act  (COPPA)  is  primar- ily focused on children under the age of 13, and it applies to websites and online services  that collect information about children. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a U.S. federal government program that promotes a standard approach to assessment, authorization, and monitoring of cloud resources. The European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed  to  standardize pri- vacy protections across the EU, grant controls to individuals over their private information, and specify security practices required for organizations holding private information of EU citizens.

Designing Databases for Reliability, Scalability, and Availability

Understand Cloud Bigtable is a nonrelational database based on a sparse three-dimensional map.    The three dimensions are rows, columns, and cells. When you create a Cloud   Bigtable instance, you specify a number of type of nodes. These nodes manage metadata about the data stored in the Cloud Bigtable database, whereas the actual data is stored outside of the nodes on the Colossus filesystem. Within the Colossus filesystem, data is organized into sorted string tables, or SSTables, which are called tablets.

Understand how to design row-keys in Cloud Bigtable. In general, it is best to avoid monotonically increasing values or lexicographically close strings at the beginning of keys. When a using a multitenant Cloud Bigtable database, it is a good practice to use a tenant prefix in the row-key. String identifiers, such as a customer ID or a sensor ID, are good candidates for a row-key. Timestamps may be used as part of a row-key, but they should  not be the entire row-key or the start of the row-key.  Moving timestamps from the front     of a row-key so that another attribute is the first part of the row-key is an example of field promotion. In general, it is a good practice to promote, or move toward the front of the     key, values that are highly varied. Another way to avoid hotspots is to use salting.

Know how to use tall and narrow tables for time-series databases. Keep names short; this reduces the size of metadata since names are stored along with data values. Store few events within each row, ideally only one event per row; this makes querying easier. Also, storing multiple events increases the chance of exceeding maximum recommended row sizes. Design row-keys for looking up a single value or a range of values. Range scans are common in time-series analysis. Keep in mind that there is only one index on Cloud Bigtable tables.

Know when to use interleaved tables in Cloud Spanner. Use interleaved tables with a parent-child relationship in which parent data is stored with child data. This makes retrieving data from both tables simultaneously more efficient than if the data were stored separately and is especially helpful when performing joins. Since the data from both tables  is co-located, the database has to perform fewer seeks to get all the needed data.

Know how to avoid hotspots by designing primary keys properly. Monotonically increasing keys can cause read and write operations to happen in few servers simultaneously instead of being evenly distributed across all servers. Options for keys include using the hash of a natural key; swapping the order of columns in keys to promote higher-cardinality attributes; using a universally unique identifier (UUID), specifically version 4 or later; and using bit-reverse sequential values.

Know the differences between primary and secondary indexes. Primary indexes are created automatically on the primary key. Secondary indexes are  explicitly  created  using the CREATE INDEX command. Secondary indexes are useful when filtering in a query using a WHERE clause. If the column referenced in the WHERE clause is indexed, the index can be used for filtering rather than scanning the full table and then filtering. Secondary indexes are    also useful when you need to return rows in a sort order other than the primary key order. When a secondary index is created, the index will store all primary key columns from the base table, all columns included in the index, and any additional columns specified in a STORING clause.

Understand the organizational structure of BigQuery databases. Projects are the high- level structure used to organize the use of GCP services and resources. Datasets exist within a project and are containers for tables and views. Access to tables and views are defined at the dataset level. Tables are collections of rows and columns stored in a columnar format, known as Capacitor format, which is designed to support compression and execution optimizations.

Understand how to denormalize data in BigQuery using nested and repeated fields. Denormalizing in BigQuery can be done with  nested  and  repeated  columns.  A  column that contains nested and repeated data is defined as a RECORD datatype and is accessed as a STRUCT in SQL. BigQuery supports up to 15 levels of nested STRUCTs.

Know when and why to use partitioning and clustering in BigQuery. Partitioning is the process of dividing tables into segments called partitions. BigQuery has three partition types: ingestion time partitioned tables, timestamp partitioned tables, and integer range partitioned tables. In BigQuery, clustering is the ordering of data in its stored format. Clustering is supported only on partitioned tables and is used when filters or aggregations are frequently used.

Understand the different kinds of queries in BigQuery. BigQuery supports two types of queries: interactive and batch queries. Interactive queries are executed immediately, whereas batch queries are queued and run when resources are available. The advantage of using   these batch queries is that resources are drawn from a shared resource pool and batch  queries do not count toward the concurrent rate limit, which is 100 concurrent queries. Queries are run as jobs, similar to jobs run to load and export data.

Know that BigQuery can access external data without you having to import it into BigQuery first.     BigQuery can access data in external sources, known as federated   sources. Instead of first loading data into BigQuery, you can create a reference to an    external source. External sources can be Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Storage, and Google Drive. When accessing external data, you can create either permanent or temporary external  tables. Permanent tables are those created in a dataset and linked to an external source. Temporary tables are useful for one-time operations, such as loading data into a data warehouse.

Know that BigQuery ML supports machine learning in BigQuery using SQL. BigQuery extends standard SQL with the addition of machine learning functionality. This allows BigQuery users to build machine learning models in BigQuery rather than programming models in Python, R, Java, or other programming languages outside of BigQuery.

Understanding Data Operations for Flexibility and Portability

Know that Data Catalog is a metadata service for data management. Data Catalog is fully managed, so there are no servers to provision or configure. Its primary function is to provide a single, consolidated view of enterprise data. Metadata is collected automatically during ingest operations to BigQuery and Cloud Pub/Sub, as well through APIs and third- party tools.

Understand that Data Catalog will collect metadata automatically from several GCP sources. These sources include Cloud Storage, Cloud Bigtable, Google Sheets, BigQuery, and Cloud Pub/Sub. In addition to native metadata, Data Catalog can collect custom metadata through the use of tags.

Know that Cloud Dataprep is an interactive tool for preparing data for analysis and machine learning. Cloud Dataprep is used to cleanse, enrich, import, export, discover, structure, and validate data. The main cleansing operations in Cloud Dataprep center around altering column names, reformatting strings, and working with numeric values. Cloud Dataprep supports this process by providing for filtering data, locating outliers, deriving aggregates, calculating values across columns, and comparing strings.

Be familiar with Data Studio as a reporting and visualization tool. The Data Studio tool is organized around reports, and it reads data from data sources and formats the data into tables and charts. Data Studio uses the concept of a connector for working with datasets. Datasets can come in a variety of forms, including a relational database table, a Google Sheet, or a BigQuery table. Connectors provide access to all or to a subset of columns in       a data source. Data Studio provides components that can be deployed in a drag-and-drop manner to create reports. Reports are collections of tables and visualization

Understand that Cloud Datalab is an interactive tool for exploring and transforming data. Cloud Datalab runs as an instance of a container. Users of Cloud Datalab create a Compute Engine instance, run the container, and then connect from a browser to a Cloud Datalab notebook, which is a Jupyter Notebook.  Many  of  the  commonly  used  packages  are available in Cloud Datalab, but when users need to add others, they can do so by using     either the conda install command or the pip install command.

Know that Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service based on Apache Airflow. Workflows are defined as directed acyclic graphs, which are specified in Python. Elements of workflows can run on premises and in other clouds as well as in GCP. Airflow DAGs are defined in Python as a set of operators and operator relationships. An operator specifies a single task in a workflow. Common operators include BashOperator and PythonOperator.

Deploying Machine Learning Pipelines

Know the stages of ML pipelines. Data ingestion, data preparation, data segregation,  model training, model evaluation, model deployment, and model monitoring are the stages of ML pipelines. Although the stages are listed in a linear manner, ML pipelines are more cyclic than linear, especially relating to training and evaluation.

Understand batch and streaming ingestion. Batch data ingestion should use a dedicated process for ingesting each distinct data source. Batch ingestion often occurs on a relatively fixed schedule, much like many data warehouse ETL processes. It is important to be able      to track which batch data comes from, so include a batch identifier with each record that is ingested. Cloud Pub/Sub is designed for scalable messaging, including ingesting streaming data. Cloud Pub/Sub is a good option for ingesting streaming data that will be stored in a database, such as Bigtable or Cloud Firebase, or immediately consumed by machine learning processes running in Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Dataproc, Kubernetes Engine, or Compute Engine. When using BigQuery, you have the option of using streaming inserts.

Know the three kinds of data preparation. The three kinds of data preparation are data exploration, data transformation, and feature engineering. Data exploration is  the  first step in working with a new data source or a data source that has had significant changes. The goal of this stage is to understand the distribution of data and the overall quality of data. Data transformation is the process of mapping data from its raw form into data structures and formats that allow for machine learning. Transformations can include replacing missing values with a default value, changing  the  format  of  numeric  values, and deduplicating records. Feature engineering is the process of adding or modifying the representation of features to make implicit patterns more explicit. For example, if a ratio f two numeric features is important to classifying an instance, then calculating that ratio and including it as a feature may improve the model quality. Feature engineering includes the understanding of key attributes (features) that are meaningful for machine learning objectives at hand. This includes dimensional reduction.

Know that data segregation is the process splitting a dataset into three segments: training, validation, and test data. Training data is used to build machine learning models. Validation data is used during hyperparameter tuning. Test data is used to evaluate model performance. The main criteria for deciding how to split data are to ensure that the test     and validation datasets are large enough to produce statistically meaningful results, that    test and validation datasets are representative of the data as a whole, and that the training dataset is large enough for the model to learn to make accurate predictions with reasonable precision and recall.

Understand the process of training a model. Know that feature selection is the process of evaluating how a particular attribute or feature contributes to the predictiveness of a model. The goal is to have features of a dataset that allow a model to learn to make accu-

rate predictions. Know that underfitting creates a model that is not able to predict values of training data correctly or new data that was not used during training.

Understand underfitting, overfitting, and regularization. The problem of underfitting may be corrected by increasing the amount of training data, using a different machine learning algorithm, or modifying hyperparameters. Understand that overfitting occurs when a model fits the training data too well. One way to compensate for the impact of noise in the data     and reduce the risk of overfitting is by introducing a penalty for data points, which makes   the model more complicated. This process is called regularization. Two kinds of regulariza- tion are L1 regularization, which is also known as Lasso Regularization, for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, and L2 or Ridge Regression.

Know ways to evaluate a model. Methods for evaluation a model include individual evalu- ation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and the F measure; k-fold  cross-valida-    tion; confusion matrices; and bias and variance. K-fold cross-validation is a technique for evaluating model performance by splitting a data set into k segments, where k is an integer. Confusion matrices are used with classification models to show the relative performance of    a model. In the case of a binary classifier, a confusion matrix would be 2×2, with one col-  umn and one row for each value.

Understand bias and variance.   Bias is the difference between the average prediction of a model and the correct prediction of a model. Models with high bias tend to have over- simplified models; this is underfitting the model. Variance is the variability in model pre- dictions. Models with high variance tend to overfit training data so that the model works

well when making predictions on the training data but does not generalize to data that the model has not seen before.

Know options for deploying machine learning workloads on GCP. These options include Cloud AutoML, BigQuery ML, Kubeflow, and Spark MLib. Cloud AutoML is  a  machine learning service designed for developers who want to incorporate machine learning in their applications without having to learn many of  the  details  of  ML.  BigQuery  ML  enables users of the analytical database to build machine learning models using SQL and data in BigQuery datasets. Kubeflow is an open source project for developing, orchestrating, and deploying scalable and portable machine learning workloads. Kubeflow is designed for the Kubernetes platform. Cloud Dataproc is a managed Spark and  Hadoop  service.  Included with Spark is a machine learning library called MLib, and it is a good option for machine learning workloads if you are already using Spark or need one of the more specialized algo- rithms included in Spark MLib.

Choosing Training and Serving Infrastructure

Understand that single machines are useful for training small models. This includes when you are developing machine learning applications or exploring data using Jupyter Notebooks or related tools. Cloud Datalab, for example, runs instances in Compute Engine virtual machines.

Know that you also have the option of offloading some of the training load from CPUs  to GPUs. GPUs have high-bandwidth memory and typically outperform CPUs on floating-point operations. GCP uses NVIDIA GPUs, and NVIDIA is the creator of CUDA,   a parallel computing platform that facilitates the use of GPUs.

Know that distributing model training over a group of servers provides for scalability  and improved availability. There are a variety of ways to use distributed infrastructure, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific requirements and development practices. One way to distribute training is to use machine learning frameworks that are designed to run in a distributed environment, such as TensorFlow.

Understand that serving a machine learning model is the process of making the model available to make predictions for other services.   When serving models, you need to   consider latency, scalability, and version management. Serving models from a centralized location, such as a data center, can introduce latency because input data and results are sent over the network. If an application needs real-time results, it is better to serve the model closer to where it is needed, such as an edge or IoT device.

Know that edge computing is the practice of moving compute and storage resources closer   to the location at which they are needed. Edge computing devices can be relatively simple  IoT devices, such as sensors with a small amount of memory and limited processing power. This type of device could be useful when the data processing load is light. Edge computing   is used when low-latency data processing is needed—for example, to control machinery  such as autonomous vehicles or manufacturing equipment. To enable edge computing, the system architecture has to be designed to provide compute, storage, and networking capa- bilities at the edge while services run in the cloud or in an on-premises data center for the centralized management of devices and centrally stored data.

Be able to list the three basic components of edge computing.     Edge  computing  consists   of edge devices, gateway devices, and the cloud platform. Edge devices provide three kinds of data: metadata about the device, state information about the device, and telemetry data.

Before a device is incorporated into an IoT  processing system, it must be provisioned. After   a device is provisioned and it starts collecting data, the data is then processed on the device. After local processing, data is transmitted to a gateway.  Gateways can manage network  traffic across protocols. Data sent to the cloud is ingested by one of a few different kinds of services in GCP, including Cloud Pub/Sub, IoT Core MQTT, and Stackdriver Monitoring and Logging.

Know that an Edge TPU is a hardware device available from Google for implementing edge computing. This device is an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designed for running AI services at the edge. Edge TPU is designed to work with Cloud TPU and Google Cloud services. In addition to the hardware, Edge TPU includes software and AI algorithms.

Know that Cloud IoT is Google’s managed service for IoT services.  This platform provides services for integrating edge computing with centralized processing services. Device data is captured by the Cloud IoT Core service, which can then publish data to Cloud Pub/Sub for streaming analytics. Data can also be stored in BigQuery for analysis  or used for training new machine learning models in Cloud ML. Data provided through Cloud IoT can also be used to trigger Cloud Functions and associated workflows.

Understand GPUs and TPUs. Graphic processing units are accelerators that have multiple arithmetic logic units (ALUs) that implement adders and multipliers. This architecture is   well suited to workloads that benefit from massive parallelization, such as training deep learning models. GPUs and CPUs are both subject to the von Neumann bottleneck, which       is the limited data rate between a processor and memory, and slow processing. TPUs are specialized accelerators based on ASICs and created by Google to improve training of deep neural networks. These accelerators are designed for the TensorFlow framework. TPUs reduces the impact of the von Neumann bottleneck by implementing matrix multiplication   in the processor. Know the criteria for choosing between CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs.

Measuring, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting Machine Learning Models

Know the three types of machine learning algorithms: supervised, unsupervised, and rein- forcement learning. Supervised algorithms learn from labeled examples. Unsupervised learning starts with unlabeled data and identifies salient features, such as groups or clus- ters, and anomalies in a data stream. Reinforcement learning is a third type of machine learning algorithm that is distinct from supervised and unsupervised learning. It trains a model by interacting with its environment and receiving feedback on the decisions that it makes.

Know that supervised learning is used for classification and regression. Classification models assign discrete values to instances. The simplest form is a binary classifier that assigns one of two values, such as fraudulent/not fraudulent, or has malignant tumor/does not have malignant tumor. Multiclass classification models assign more than two values. Regression models map continuous variables to other continuous variables.

Understand how unsupervised learning differs from supervised learning. Unsupervised learning algorithms find patterns in data without using predefined labels. Three types

of unsupervised learning are clustering, anomaly detection, and collaborative filtering. Clustering, or cluster analysis, is the process of grouping instances together based on com- mon features. Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unexpected patterns in data.

Understand how reinforcement learning differs from supervised and unsupervised techniques. Reinforcement learning is an approach to learning that uses agents interacting with an environment and adapting behavior based on rewards from the environment. This form of learning does not depend on labels. Reinforcement learning is modeled as an environment,   a set of agents, a set of actions, and a set of probabilities of transitioning from one state to another after a particular action is taken. A reward is given after the transition from one  state to another following an action.

Understand the structure of neural networks, particularly deep learning networks. Neural networks are systems roughly modeled after neurons in animal brains and consist of sets of connected artificial neurons or nodes. The network is composed of artificial neurons that are linked together into a network. The links between artificial neurons are called connections. A single neuron is limited in what it can learn. A multilayer network, however, is able to learn more functions. A multilayer neural network consists of a set of input nodes, hidden nodes, and an output layer.

Know machine learning terminology. This includes general machine learning terminol- ogy, such as baseline and batches; feature terminology, such as feature engineering and bucketing; training terminology, such as gradient descent and backpropagation; and neural network and deep learning terms, such as activation function and dropout. Finally, know model evaluation terminology such as precision and recall.

Know common sources of errors, including data-quality errors, unbalanced training sets, and bias.    Poor-quality data leads to poor models. Some common data-quality problems   are missing data, invalid values, inconsistent use of codes and categories, and data that is    not representative of the population at large. Unbalanced datasets are ones that have sig- nificantly more instances of some categories than of others. There are several forms of bias, including automation bias, reporting bias, and group attribution.

Leveraging Prebuilt Models as a Service

Understand the functionality of the Vision AI API. The Vision AI API is designed to ana- lyze images and identify text, enable the search of images, and filter explicit images. Images are sent to the Vision AI API by specifying a URI path to an image or by sending the

image data as Base64-encoded text. There are three options for calling the Vision AI API: Google-supported client libraries, REST, and gRPC.

Understand the functionality of the Video Intelligence API. The Video Intelligence API provides models that can extract metadata; identify key persons, places, and things; and annotate video content. This service has pretrained models that automatically recognize objects in videos. Specifically, this API can be used to identify objects, locations, activities, animal species, products, and so on, and detect shot changes, detect explicit content, track objects, detect text, and transcribe videos.

Understand the functionality of Dialogflow. Dialogflow is used for chatbots, interactive voice response (IVR), and other dialogue-based interactions with human speech. The service is based on natural language–understanding technology that is used to identify entities in a con- versation and extract numbers, dates, and time, as well as custom entities that can be trained using examples. Dialogflow also provides prebuilt agents that can be used as templates.

Understand the functionality of the Cloud Text-to-Speech API. GCP’s Cloud Text-to- Speech API maps natural language texts to human-like speech. The API works with more than 30 languages and has more than 180 humanlike voices. The API works with plain-  text or Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) and audio files,  including  MP3 and WAV files. To generate speech, you call a synthesize function of the API.

Understand the functionality of the Cloud Speech-to-Text API.  The Cloud Speech-to- Text API is used to convert audio to text. This service is based on deep learning technology and supports 120 languages and variants. The service can be used for transcribing audios    as well as for supporting voice-activated interfaces. Cloud Speech-to-Text automatically detects the language being spoken. Generated text can be returned as a stream of text or in batches as a text file.

Understand the functionality of the Cloud Translation API. Google’s translation technology is available for use through the Cloud  Translation  API. The  basic  version  of this service, Translation API Basic, enables the translation of  texts  between  more  than 100 languages. There is also an advanced API, Translation API Advanced, which supports customization for domain-specific and context-specific terms and phrases.

Understand the functionality of the Natural Language API. The Natural Language API uses machine learning–derived models to analyze texts. With this API, developers can extract information about people, places, events, addresses, and numbers, as well as other types of entities. The service can be used to find and label fields within semi-structured documents, such as emails. It also  supports  sentiment  analysis.  The  Natural  Language API has a set of more than 700 general categories, such as sports and entertainment, for document classification. For more advanced users, the service performs syntactic analysis that provides parts of speech labels and creates parse trees for each sentence. Users of the API can specify domain-specific keywords and phrases for entity extraction and custom labels for content classification.

Understand the functionality of the Recommendations AI API. The Recommendations AI API is a service for suggesting products to customers based on their behavior on the user’s website and the product catalog of that website. The service builds a recommendation    model specific to the site. The product catalog contains information on products that are    sold to customers, such as names of products, prices, and availability. End-user behavior

Understand the functionality of the Cloud Inference API. The Cloud Inference API provides real-time analysis of time-series data. The Cloud Inference API provides for pro- cessing time-series datasets, including ingesting from JSON formats, removing data, and listing active datasets. It also supports inference queries over datasets, including correlation queries, variation in frequency over time, and probability of events given evidence of those events in the captured in logged events, such as information about what customers search for, which products they view, and which products they have purchased. There are two primary func- tions the Recommendations AI API: ingesting data and making predictions.