Day 1 Introduction to Blockchains

Part I: Introduction and Background

  • Distributed Systems
  • Overlay Networks and Peer-to-peer Systems
  • Security and Trust

Part II: Blockchain Basics (1)

  • Principles of Blockchains
  • Blockchain Operations

Part III: Blockchain Basics (2)

  • Blockchain Eras and Application Domains
  • Consensus Mechanisms
  • Blockchains and Quantum Security

Part IV: Cryptocurrencies (Technical Perspective)

  • Electronic Payment Systems
  • Bitcoins

Part I: Introduction and Background

1 Distributed Systems

Increasing numer of computers + internet users + distributed applications

Embracing needs are increasingly Complex, Larger Scale, Application specific

Distributed systems : A collectioon of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system. Hardware : All machines are fully automomous. Software : Users think they deal with a single system

Selected Key consequences : Concurrency, No global clock, independent failures

Examples : Telephony, Client server communication, internet, Automation networks, cloud computing, blockchains

example of peer to peer :

Characteristics of distributed systems


  • Single view of the systems
  • Hide numerous details


  • Networks
  • Computers (HW)
  • Operating systems (SW)
  • Programming languages
  • Developers

Failure Handling

  • Detecting
  • Masking
  • Tolerating
  • Redundancy
  • Recovery


  • Extensibility
  • Publication of interfaces


  • Controlling the cost of resources
  • Controlling the performance
  • Preventing resources from running out
  • Avoiding performance bottlenecks


  • Secrecy, privacy, integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • Authentication, authorization
  • Non-repudiation

Distributed Systems to Remember

Distributed systems face very large numbers of devices, users, applications : which determine scalability challenges

Any participant – hardware, software, individual is operated or operates autonomously and transparently. There is no central control, no single, real time unique state

Failure happen in a heterogeneous environment and need to be handled ( application- or system-specific) such that systems runs securely

2 Overlay Networks and Peer-to-peer Systems

Overlay network : a computer network built on the top of any other network, today, typically on top of the internet. Nodes in the ON are connected by virtual or logical links.

P2P systems : Composed out of direct connections between peers

Peers have all the same capabilities (ability to act in any role, clients and servers) : clear difference to client-server systems

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system is „a self-organizing system of equal [which] aims for the shared usage of distributed resources in a networked environment avoiding central services.“ No dedicated server is involved

Key Characteristics of P2P systems :

  • Equality : All peers are equal
  • Decentralization : no centralized services
  • Self organization : No coordination from outside
  • Shared resources: Peers use resources provided by other peers
  • Direct interaction: Peers communicate directly with other peers

Desirable properties of an ON/P2P

  • High fault-tolerance (connection prob..)
  • Wide heterogeneity (mobile, gaming pc..)
  • Acceptable fairness (each peer should have a similar workload)
  • good scalability (workload proportiona to # peers, no limit ideally)

Overlay Networks to Remember :

ON operates on top of underlay

  • Typically the underlay is the internet (IP based)
  • ON is determined by informal “rules and regulations”

P2P System instantiates a dedicated overlay

  • Using its own addressing scheme
  • Applying its own high level communication protocol for peers
  • Limited to participating peers following the overlay rules

Overlay application (Emule)

  • Runs within a given P2P system exploiting its functionality

3. Security and Trust

Vulnerability : A quality or characteristic of a system that provides an
opportunity for misuse

Threat : Any potentially malicious or otherwise occurrence that can
have an undesirable effect on assets and resources of an IT

Risk : Threat X Vulnerabilities OR Likelihood X Impact

Security defines a process of risk management supported by a set of suitable (technical, economic, behavioral) measures!

  • Organizational Security (OS): trusted Third party, certification authority
  • Technical security (TS) : Security services, mechanisms, algorithms
  • User Behavior (UB) : Passwords, internal and external attacks
  • Information Security/Information System Security (IS) : Effect on content procedures or the system
  • Passive attacks : Eavesdropping, Analysis of traffic flows
  • Active attack : Spoofing, replaying delaying messages, Denial of service, man in the middle..

Major 7 Security pillars

  • Authentication : ensure that partners involved in communications can prove that the peer is who it claims to be
  • Authorization : Authorization ensures that a partner with a known ID is enabled to utilize a service
  • Integrity : Integrity provides protection against the modification of a message along a transmission path
  • Privacy : Privacy defines the degree of publication of personal information and data
  • Confidentiality : Confidentiality protects transmitted data against eavesdroppers in a communication channel ensuring that only an authorized received can interpret the message received
  • Non repudiation: Non-repudiation provides that neither the sender nor the receiver can deny that a communication has taken place.
  • Anti-replay protection : Anti-replay protection protects a receiver from the duplicated reception of a previously obtained and already authenticated message

Additional aspects :

  • System security : entire system has to be protected by means
  • Anonymity : condition in which a person’s true identity is not known
  • Pseudonymity : condition in which a person has take an assumed identity
  • Auditing : process to collect unforged events and facts
  • Identity : characteristics by which an object/human is recognizable or known
  • Identity Management
  • Trust and Trusted Third Party (TTP) : two arbitrary parties trust a third one

Cryptography :

Symmetric cryptography :

Entities own a shared, secred key

Advantages :

  • Small overhead/calculation
  • Short keys

Drawbacks :

  • Key exchange complicated
  • No Commitment

Asymmetric cryptography :

key pair of private/public parts


  • Public keys easy to publish
  • Commitment possible (CA)


  • Longer keys
  • Larger overhead/calculation

Encryption defines a function ƒ, mapping plain text to cipher text; decryption defines the inverse of ƒ.

f requires 5 properties :

  1. ƒ is one-to-one (uniquely invertible)
  2. ƒ is easy to compute (encryption easy)
  3. ƒ-1 is difficult to compute (decryption difficult for senders)
  4. ƒ has a domain that is easy to sample from (Bob easily generates a key)
  5. Existence of an easy-to-compute function d of the input of ƒ making computing ƒ-1 easy (Bob decrypts easily)

example trapdoor function

f is the basis for the RSA Cryptosystem

  • (e, pq) public encryption key (“public key”)
  • (p, q, d) secret decryption key (“secret key”)
  • Alice generates a private/public key pair once (re-use later)
  • Alice encrypts / signs message with her private key
  • Bob decrypts this message with Alice’s public key

From Coursera course :

The idea of encrypting something twices is : first you encrypt with the other person’s public key so only they can decrypt the message, and then with your own private key, so they know that you were legitimately the sender because they know your public key and your message encrypted with you private key can only be decoded with the public key. Hop you guarantee the origin of the message and you guarantee that only the receiver can decrypt it with his private key.

Basic Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) :

Hash Functions and Hashes

Message Digest Code, MDC

Message M (arbitrarily long) -> Hash H(M), One-way feature, efficient generation, very low collision possibility : SHA-256

Message Authentication code, MAC

Message M, key K -> Hash (M,K), may be constructed out of MDC, HMAC-SH-256. Cryptographic strength of underlying hash function depending on size of its hash output, size and quality of key

Merkle (or hash) tree

  • Every leaf node is labeled with the hash of a data block and
  • Every non-leaf node is labeled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes.
  • Top of a tree there is a root hash


  • Efficient and secure verification content of large data
  • For binary hash trees: computing hashes is proportional to the logarithm of the number of leaf nodes of the tree
  • Usually cryptographic hash functions used (e.g., SHA-256)

Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) :

A ZKP is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that they know a value x, without conveying any information apart from the fact that they know the value x (as of 2013).

Nonce : Arbitrary number that can be used just once in a cryptographic communication. Often a random or pseudo-random number issued in an
authentication protocol to ensure that old communications cannot be reused in replay attacks

Example : Salt: : random data that is used as an additional input to a one-way function hashing data (password or passphrase)

Trust : Trust is the firm belief in the reliability (character, strength), truth, or ability of someone or something

In Information Security: Computational trust is the generation of trusted authorities, trusted protocols, or user trust through cryptography

Key trust facets :

  • Initial level of trust needed as an incentive to participate
  • Theoretical aspects of trust and its quantification
  • Relationship between security and trust
  • Significance of trust in distributed network security

Security Issues to Remember

Security mechanisms are inevitable for modern communication networks and distributed systems
– Operational and technical security and user behavior

Security is only as strong as its weakest component

Security is costly and does affect the ease-of-use concept of a system and its interfaces

Trust increases/decreases and evolves over time as a consequence of security mechanisms applied

All security aspects (mechanisms and use) in combination only can deliver the basis to generate trust between users and systems; trust exists between users/systems

Part II: Blockchain Basics

4. Principles of Blockchains

Digitization of Society

ACID principle : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Distributed Ledgers

Can data be stored fully decentralized and handled reliably between non-trusted stakeholders?

  • Unstructured/structured data stored across the world by anyone
  • Access control by “all” w/o a central root
  • No central point, redundant copies, non-trusted participants,
    and detectable misuse

-> Distributed (Shared) Ledger (DL)

DL defines a “consensus” on replicated, shared, and synchronized digital data (blocks), geographically spread across many sites on earth. very node participating may hold a copy of the full DL

Key Idea: “Replacing” (Central) Databases

Distributed Ledgers replace clients’ access-protected writes to an authoritative database via validation rules by a distributed consensus of decentralized validators

[Distributed Ledgers (DL) or] Blockchains (BC) : digital records of who-owns-what w/o a central storage

Consensus Mechanism (CM) ensures that each node‘s copy of the ledger is identical to every other node’s copy

Write access to BCs by miners or validators (with data from any asset owner) for transactions via CM and cryptographic signatures, read access at no “costs”

Key advantages of (public) BCs

Immutable, traceable, and preventing “double spending”

A digital asset = an electronic representation, e.g., file

  • Inherently bears the exclusive right of use of this file

A token (digital token) = digital asset

  • Issued by a stakeholder, giving right to participate within that network of stakeholders
  • It may allow for “payments” inside that network

A coin (digital coin) = electronic representation of value

  • Specifically designed to represent digital “money” within a network of stakeholders, typically the BC, and beyond
  • Counterfeiting and double-spending prevented by cryptography

One can buy a token with a coin, but generally not a coin with a token.

Token Types :

Utility tokens provide access digitally to an application or service by means of a blockchain

Asset tokens represent assets such as (a) a debt or (b) an equity claim on the issuer ( E.g., they promise a share in future company earnings or future capital flows – analog to equities, bonds, or derivatives)

Payment tokens : are used (a) as a means of payment for acquiring goods or services or (b) as a means of money or value transfer – Synonymous to “cryptocurrencies”

DL/BC Types and Terminology – Simplified

Private permissioned : Read/write/consensus restricted to authorized nodes (pre-defined stakeholders) – Enterprise-grade DL

Private permissionless : Write/consensus restricted to authorized nodes (pre-defined stakeholders) – Read partially open – Consortium grade DL

Public permissioned : Write / consensus restricted to authorized nodes (pre-defined stakeholders) – Read open to everyone – Controlled collaborative DL

Public permissionless : Read/write/consensus open to everyone – No restrictions and full transparency – Public BC, THE BC the real and only blockchain

5. Blockchain Operations

Blockchain ingredients :

  • Public key cryptography and hashes : Asymmetric approach for arbitrary users. Ensures validation and authentication.
  • Internet : Networked infrastructure for everyone, Distributed system with arbitrary users and devices (nodes)
  • Incentives : Supporting rewards for participants tasks performed within an overlay network by a protocol enabling communications : ensures participation


A hash function takes a block of data and produces effectively a random fixed size integer, e.g. 256 bit, any change to the input randomized the output

Merkle tree links pairs of hashes hierarchically up to the root, any leaf change changes all hashes based on that (incl the root)

Signatures :

Transactions collected in blocks -> New blocks created regularly

A block contains a hash of and a pointer to the previous block

Consensus mechanism required to determine the block to be integrated into this blockchain. e.g. solved crypto puzzles (PoW)

Creation of valid blocks performed by anyone (incentive). Solving crypto puzzles = confirmation of blocks = Mining. Computationally expensive -> Avoids double spending

Blockchains are a backward-ordered, linear list of blocks. Chain start with genesis block to which others are back-linked

Blocks contain (at least) :

  • Transaction (tx) data (content, payload)
  • Pointer to and a hash of the previous block
  • Cryptographically hashed value of crypto puzzle (result of PoW)
  • Time stamp

BC’s structural and technical characteristics :

Chain may show side chains, but only one valid branch finally – Chronological order guaranteed by previous blocks’s hashes

A BC network is organized as a peer to peer network

Transactions :

  • Data structure encoding the transfer of “value” from a source (input) to a destination (output).
  • Structures are typically not related to accounts or identities. Chunk of value locked with a specific secret known by the owner

Balance is calculated by total of unspent outputs

Account maintained by a global state, similar to a debit card, each transaction modifies the state of accounts, balance should be larger or equal than spending amount

Overall operations consists out of 4 steps (in principle) :

  1. User A wants to pay user B the amount of 1 BTC (bitcoin). This intent is broadcasted as a transaction via the P2P protocol into the BC network
  2. Any miner interested, adds this transaction to his/her respective current block
  3. One of the miners wins a lottery and mines the block. That miner solves the crypto puzzle first, such a block may contain multiple transactions and is mined in well-defined periods of time
  4. The definitive block – including the transactions and the new hash – is broadcasted to the BC network again as well and added to everyones BC copy

Once a set of transactions becomes available, a block is created by utilizing the following data

  • Transaction(s)
  • Hash of previous block
  • Nonce (arbitrary number, used only once)
  • Other information (depending on the BC)

The hash of new block is calculated meeting the “target” :Target hash is a number (absolute value) that a hashed block header must be less than or equal to in order for a new block to be awarded. used to determine “difficulty” and adjusted to ensure that blocks are processes in time.

Once the hash was computed, the hash is broadcast to the BC network and checks are performed

Accepted blocks require the miners to solve a crypto puzzle (PoW): hash

  • Difficult to produce (time-consuming, energy), but easy to verify
  • Validity is ensured by checking if a block’s hash value is less than “current target”

Since each block contains the preceding block’s hash, a sequence of
those determines a larger amount of work

Changing any block would require the regeneration of all successors and
redoing the work on the data they contain

The PoW (hash, result of the crypto puzzle) is validated by other members
of the BC network by confirming the new hash before adding the block to
their local copy, at 51% of the network hashing power’ ok, the block is

Mining (Process) : The process of BC members trying to solve the crypto puzzle and adding the respective new block onto the BC

Miners : Those BC members, who run machines to solve crypto puzzles, Their reward in case of a successful inclusion are tokens of BC

Checks : Verification of hashes broadcast to the BC network

Target Value and Adaptation Algorithm

  • Mining is rewarded → Likely more miners join : Higher processing capacity increases likelihood on finding hash earlier
  • Block creation rate in-, average mining time decreases : To maintain the ideal goal of 10 min mining per block: change difficulty, which effects the “target value”
  • BC network decreases target value to increase difficulty : Decreasing target values increases difficulty to find the hash
  • Block creation rate decreases and average mining time increases again : System stabilizes itself again, and continue as of above

Consensus: Hash-based Proof-of-Work

Key: One cannot compute an input from an output

To find a hash with N zeros at input start, requires 2*N computations, which proves computational work performed – Hashing an incrementing “nonce” as hash input, leads to zeros

The “chain race” (probability theory)

Difficulty : Measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to
the easiest it can ever be. Recalculated every 2016 blocks in the BTC BC such that the last 2016 blocks would have been calculated within two weeks. On average one block is mined every 10 minutes

Consensus : State reached where the majority of members of the same
P2P network agrees on the same mining output (51% agree). This state of the consensus is secure and tamper-resistant, immutable with respect to the blocks. Respective block data is persisted to the BC network’s nodes

Communications – The Flood Protocol

Temporary BC splits possible :

  • 2 miners arrive at 2 different, but valid hashes at the same time
  • P2P network resolves that split in short time to 1 valid branch
  • Clients only accept “longest chain of blocks” as valid (pruning)
  • Length is determined by the most combined difficulty, not #blocks

As soon as block gets “solved” as valid, every miner in the BC network must stop the current mining process on that block and can start with the next one

Segregated Witness (SegWit)

BC protocol “upgrade” to provide interception protection on transaction malleability and increase block capacity : SegWit separates witness from the list of inputs. Witness contains data required to check a transaction validity, but is not required to determine tx effects. Weight parameter defined. SegWit was the protocol change needed to make the lightning Network safe to deploy on the Bitcoin network

Blockchain‘s Immutability Exploited

Time stamping proves existence, integrity, and creation/exchange of digital assets

Transaction (tx/Tx) Fees

Mining and consensus finding require resources

Generally, tx fees are part of the tx

  • Compensation for miner to mine
  • Tx Fees are collected by that miner
  • Tx Fees are set by the BTC’s market forces

Tx fees incentivize a miner to include a tx into a block -> high fees : early selection, low fees : delayed selection. No requirements for tx fees but mining may be delayed “forever”

Tx fees are countermeasures against “spam”

Tx fees are typically calculated by the size of the tx (in Byte)

Blockchain Transaction Types

On-chain tx :

  • Available on the blockchain visible to all nodes on the BC
  • Tx valid when a communicated that tx across the network
  • Tx times may vary depending on the network load or tx queued

Off-chain tx

  • Value resides outside of the blockchain
  • Tx executed instantly

On-chain tx with off-chain storage of data

  • The same is valid as for on-chain tx
  • Additionally, the tx does not contain the full data, but only a hash of the data, which is stored off-chain
  • Reduces storage size of BC for many tx or large volume

Blockchain adresses :

Transactions on a blockchain require the knowledge of the blockchain address of the sender and recipient : Address as 27-34 digit code consists of letters and numbers. Generated by the wallet, where public-private key pairs are stored, from public key via cryptographic hash function (“finger print”)

Note : A public key IS NOT the same as a bitcoin adress, but is derived from a key with a one-way hash function

Base58 encoding : Text-based binary-encoding format, using upper- and lowercase letters, but omitting “0” and “O”, “l” and “I”, and “\”, “/”, and “+”

Base58Check encoding : Adds 4 Byte checksum (error-checking over encoded data) to the address

Off-chain Signaling of Addresses

  • Problem: BCs typically show limited storage capacity
  • Solution : Digital representation of a file (“hash reference” != “PoW
    result”) is stored on-chain and the file itself is stored off-chain
  • Practice : Peer-to-peer network stores and shares hypermedia (e.g.,
    graphics, audio, video, plain text) in a distributed file system

Wallets :

Container for private keys :

  • Structured files, databases
  • Wallets contain keys (as keychains of private/public keypairs) not coins (which are stored on the BC as tx outputs), thus, keys prove the ownership of a coin!

Wallet types :

  • Non-deterministic (random): just a collection (hard to maintain)
  • Deterministic (seeded): keys derived from a common seed (random number plus index) via hash-functions
  • Hierarchical deterministic (HD) – BIP0032/BIP0044 standard – with keys
    in a tree structure: parent > children > grandchildren
  • Paper: character strings, 2D codes, BIP0038 encrypted print

Smart Contracts

A Smart Contract (SC) may reside inside transactions. Executed and validated on every node upon persisting that block. For Bitcoins SCs specify how to withdraw, escrow, refund or transfer BTC from A to B

Smart contracts alone are not smart

  • They need an infrastructure (technology)
  • A blockchain forms the ideal, distributed basis for SCs

SCs can be exchanged

  • This is the code or program to be executed
  • Programs and APIs on the BC
  • This, SC are programs that encode conditions and outcomes

Part III: Blockchain Basics (2)

6. Blockchain Eras and Application Domains

Blockchain 1.0 : Digital Currency or Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain 2.0 : Smart Contracts

Blockchain 3.0 : Decentralized Applications (DApps)

Blockchain 4.0 : Ecosystem and Industry Integration

4 different BC eras are running in parallel today

Cryptocurrencies and digital finance sector is still dominant

However, dApps represents the major number of projects

Current Application Domains

Different BC Eras present different requirements :

  • Performance : transactions per second, latency
  • Reliability : number of nodes
  • Security : trade offs between confidentiality and transparency

As a consequence, different consensus mechanisms were necessary with the BC and DL development. Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) could not deliver on all demands, election-based ones (PoW and PoS) appeared.

7. Consensus Mechanisms

The 4 key characteristics :

  • Uniform agreement: No two nodes decide differently
  • Integrity: No node decides twice
  • Validity: If a node decides on value v, then v was proposed by
    some node
  • Termination: Every node that does not crash eventually decides
    on some value

There are many aspects a consensus mechanism has to address:

  • How many of the non-failing nodes are entitled to vote? -> How to decide who is entitled to vote?
  • How to ensure a decision in a deterministic manner? -> How fast until a decision is reached?

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

Described as the capacity of a system to handle or survive unreliable situations and (all kinds of) failures

Practical BFT (PBFT): assume a small fraction of nodes as Byzantines (dishonest)

  • A client sends a request to invoke a service
  • The primary leader multicasts the requests to the replicas
  • Replicas execute the request and send a reply to the client
  • The client wats for F+replies from different replicas with the
    same result

delegated BFT (dBFT)

  • Nodes in the network elect a group of consensus nodes (e.g., CoZ)
  • Leader/speaker randomly chosen from consensus nodes, remainders are delegates
  • Leader/speaker creates new block, needs to be positively checked by 2/3 of all delegates
  • If 2/3 agree, block is added to the chain
  • Countermeasures for dishonest leader/speakers or delegates

Elected Leader Models

Probabilistic elected leader in a :

  • Lottery like
  • Competition
  • Probabilistic algorithm

Proof-of-Work (PoW)

  • Set of transactions becomes available, block is created, by utilizing the following data : Transactions, hash of previous block, Nonce, other informations
  • Hash of new block is calculated
  • Checking performed once hash was computed

Ethereum PoW – Ethash

Also based on partial hash collision (target hash)
– Works as a memory-bound cryptographic sponge
– Requires heavy fetching of data on the DAG (RAM intensive process)

Proof-of-Stake – PoS

Blocks are “mined” according to the amount of “tokens” he or she holds (stake)

  • The higher is the number of tokens (coins) at stake, the higher is the “mining power” (linear relation)
  • Nodes receive block reward as inherent incentive

Nothing-at-stake problem : Creating forks is “costless”, when
someone is not burning an external resource (e.g., mining power)

PoS alone is “unworkable” and leads to misuse

PoS variant: DPoS: nodes can delegate their stakes
to a list of nodes

Proof-of-Authority (PoA)

PoA is a modified form of PoS, where instead of stake a validator’s identity performs the role of stake

Authorities (nodes) are allowed to create news blocks

  • Clique (practical implementation) of PoA
  • Requires N/2+1 (more than 50%) of signers to be honest
  • Authorities sign new blocks in a Round-robin (RR) fashion

Proof-of-Burn (PoB)

  • Mechanisms should proof that participants burned “coins”
  • Sending them to a verifiably unspendable address
  • This is expensive from each individual’s point of view
  • But it consumes no resources other than burned asset
  • Ultimate source of scarcity remains PoW-based cryptocurrency

Proof-of-Capacity (PoC)

  • Also known as Proof-of-Space
  • Miner has to proof a (free) storage capacity to be entitled to create
  • Miners has to stake their disk (hard-drive or SSD) capacity to create
  • Similar to PoS in this sense

Hybrid Consensus

Hybrid consensus models : using a single consensus results in limitations : combination of different consensus mechanisms

Hybrid sharding : System can be organized into shards (communities) : cross chain communcations

Comparison of Consensus Mechanisms

8 Blockchains and Quantum Security

The Principle is to create computationally expensive problem. Security is based on existing asymmetric cryptography protocols and hashing schemes.

In practice Bitcoin and Ethereum uses :

  • ECDSA to generate public keys
  • SHA-256 (Bitcoin), Keccak (Ethereum)

Traditional vs. Quantum Computing

Contrasting the Performance Difference

QMP – Superposition

Two or more states can be combined (superposed) resulting in another valid quantum state

QMP – Entanglement

Pairs of Qubits (QB) can exist in a way that their quantum state cannot be described independently

• If the Schrödinger’s cat is dead-alive, then the cat is alive-dead.

Impacts on Asymmetric Cryptography

In theory, existing asymetric protocols would be broken

In practice, a quantum computer is infeasible to achieve a sufficient scale of Qubits as of today

In theory, selected existing protocols can survive quantum computers, i.e., they are quantum-resistant

A Quantum computer would always win the mining race based on existing output sizes of SHA-256 and Keccak

In practice, SHA-256 (SHA2) or Keccak (SHA3) would would resist by :

  • Increasing the output hash size
  • Raising the mining difficulty

Main quantum computing advantage : Greater Performance

  • Superposition: Qubits store more values of 0’s and 1’s simultaneosly
  • Entanglement: Scale exponentially as more Qubits are added (entangled)
  • Result: quantum computers are exponentially faster than traditional computers

Main disadvantage : Lack of reliability

Decoherence: Qubits are extremely sensible to environment conditions ( vibrations or temperature changes), thus, they disturb superpositions

Quantum mechanics as of today are a theoretical threat

Existing asymmetric cryptography protocols are, in theory, broken

However, the entire Internet is based on AES, RSA, ECC : Unsafe Blockchains would not be the largest problem at all

In reality Large scale Quantum computers are still not reliable

Future : Theory is also advancing on post-quantum cryptography

Part IV: Cryptocurrencies (Technical Perspective)

9 Electronic Payment Systems

Gap in the past: no transfer of money via the Internet

Electronic payment approaches : Means of running payments electronically over a network, such as the Internet or dedicated networks (IP-based)

Example (Systems): Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), debit/ credit card, ecash, software wallets, smart cards, cryptocurrencies, Financial Electronic Data Interchange), interbank clearing (SWIFT)

Micropayment systems : Pre-pay, post-pay, pay-as-you-go (once per transaction)

Electronic Payments and Cryptocurrencies : Electronic money created solely by IT means

Formalized process (centralized or distributed) and software
exists, which :

• controls the cryptocurrency’s creation,
• enables and protects transactions, and
• may hide identities of its users

Advances in cryptography, compute performance, and BCs as an underlying distributed ledger enable fully decentralized electronic payment solutions

Cryptocurrencies :

A form of digital cash with general characteristics : Faster, cheaper, reliable than “paper/coin” issued currency

Main two alternatives for creation of coins:

  • Issued by government(s) – centralized approach
  • Issued in a fully distributed manner – modern cryptocurrency

General problems of cryptocurrencies

Countermeasures against distributed fraud and manipulation. Lack of trust, malicious transactions, double spending

Automated prevention mechanisms against fraud :

  • Issuing of currency to be traceable & deterministic (algorithm)
  • All transactions can be recorded in a decentralized manner
  • All transactions can be verified, own and everyone’s else transactions

Blockchains, distributed ledgers or public records, provide the key basis for modern cryptocurrencies

  • They do not require a Trusted Third Party (TTP) nor trust as such, neither banks or users → “trustless”
  • Everyone can trace the money being sent, received, verified, and recorded

Cryptocurrencies can either be :

  • Mined or
  • Pre-created/burned

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) : Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a means of crowd funding : Token sale: release of a new cryptocurrency, e.g., Ethereum

It can be done with today’s technologies! However :

Micro payments with today’s banking system not really feasible -> Solution: Use central service collection funds until threshold

Banking transactions are expensive (sending to Africa/India?) -> Solution: Increase threshold (e.g., low for SEPA, higher otherwise)

IBAN can change – if you change your bank -> Solution : keep IBANs in sync with users where possible

Alternatively, use of a blockchain-based approach

  • Publicly, world-wide accessible via cryptocurrency
  • ICOs offer a dedicated “payment system” alternative
  • Create public/private key pair for pay ins
  • Create an ICO backend/frontend
  • Minting
  • Consolidation

10 Bitcoins

  • Bitcoins are an experimental cryptocurrency (digital)
  • 1st Bitcoin issued on January 3, 2009
  • Smallest unit: 0.00000001 BTC = 1 satoshi

Key characteristics

  • Maximum of 21 million BTC
  • Every transaction broadcast to all peers
  • Validation by proof-of-work
  • Not relying on trust, but on strong cryptography
  • Weak anonymity (pseudonymity)
  • Bitcoin not controlled by a single entity
  • Bitcoin address is an identifier of 26-35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 , 3, or bc1

UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) : Represents a chain of ownership as a chain of digital signatures where the owner signs a message transferring ownership of his UTXO to the receiver’s public key

wallet holds public-private keys (wallet.dat) :

  • Public key, ECDSA 256 bit → Bitcoin address (receives BTC)
  • Private key used for signing transactions

Private key authorizes the transaction (“access“)

  • If keys are stolen, thief may use “your” coins
  • If keys are lost, coins are lost

The Bitcoin blockchain avoids double spending by :

  • Ensuing that transactions in blocks are confirmed
  • Guessing value that results in number of zero bits is “hard”
  • Chained PoW

Generation of coins

Mining/creating blocks : Every time 210,000 blocks are added to the blockchain, mining reward is halved to ensure a steady supply of bitcoins. As of May 17, 2020 reward is 6.25 BTC / block

Bitcoin Script : Non-Turing complete (e.g., no loops)

Reasonable anonymity with Bitcoin is complicated and perfect anonymity may be impossible

Bitcoin users should use a new address for each transaction to avoid the
transactions being linked to a common owner

Committed bloom filters and heuristics for improved wallet performance and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) security

Bitcoin is also the name of the software : Sept 2, 2020: app. 297 GB

Bitcoin mining :

Dangerous, if someone has more than 51% computing power : can exclude and modify ordering of transactions

Mining Evolution

CPU (Central Processing Unit) = 100 M hashes/s

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) = 1 G hashes/s

FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) = 10 G hashes/s

Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Mining Farms = 1-10 T hashes/s

Bitcoin :

  • 370,000 transactions per day
  • 3 transactions per second
  • 300,000 BTC traded
  • 6 Billion US$

The difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to find a hash below a given target (mine). Note: The difficulty is adjusted every 2016 blocks (every 2 weeks approximately) so that the average time between each block remains 10 minutes.

Bitcoin Advantages and Drawbacks


  • Low tx fees : 10-30 satoshis per Byte
  • Scalable : Hardware/storage gets faster
  • Anonymity : No privacy concers / datamining diofficult
  • No major crashes
  • Denctralized
  • Other blockchain usage


  • Power consumption
  • Not scalable (number of transactions)
  • Can be used for illegal activities
  • volatile exchange rate
  • Central elements – 5 core developers


Dude in his 30s starting his digital notepad