11 Next Steps

Practice Exam Q1 : Storage of JSON files with occasionally changing schema, for ANSI SQL queries. This is correct because of the requirement to support occasionally (schema) changing JSON files and aggregate ANSI SQL queries: you need to use BigQuery, and it is quickest to use ‘Automatically detect’ for schema Read more…

10 Preparing for the GCP exam

Preparing for Data Designing data processing systems System availability is important to pipeline processing, but not data representation, and capacity is important to processing, but not the abstract pipeline or the representation. Think about data engineering and Google Cloud as a platform consisting of components that can be assembled into solutions. Let’s review the elements of GCP that form the Read more…

9 Analytics and AI

What is ML ? ML is a way to get predictive insights from data to make repeated decisions off of. You can train the software to estimate the amount of taxes that you owe. Or train that same software to estimate the amount of time it will take to get you home. The ML Read more…