Blockchain Design Principles

Based on the course Introduction to blockchain Technologies by Insead and Don Tapscott / Alex Tapscott on Coursera Principle 1 : Networked integrity Honesty, consideration, accountability, transparency are coded into the blockchain. Integrity is distributed among nodes, not vested in a single member. Double-spend problem. cannot send the same dollar Read more…

Case study

We will use the data from the world bank. It contains data on world economies for over half a century. The indicators are : Population Electricity consumption CO2 emissions Literacy rates Unemployment Mortality rates Dictionaries for data science+ Writing a function to help you Using a list comprehension Turning this Read more…

List comprehensions

Populate a list with a for loop : We can do that in only one line with a list comprehension ! Now a list comprehension with range() : List comprehensions : Collapse for loops for building lists into a single line Components : iterable iterator variable (represent members of iterable) Read more…

Lambda functions

There is a quicker way to write functions: lambdas ! So basically you specify the variables in input, and then the operation which is performed et.. voila ! You can also write anonymous functions : Function map takes two arguments: map(func, seq) map() applies the function to ALL elements in Read more…